Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Monastery of Perth

Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Monastery of Perth

Contact us to become an annual donor and reserve your donation date today as (16/10) May you rejoice this merit, have good health, long lives and the opportunity to realize the Four Noble Truths in this Gautama Buddha's dispensation.


Mahamevnawa is an organization of meditation monasteries established for the sake of the spiritual development of human beings through the teachings of the Sakyamuni Buddha who was born in 500 B.C. Our only wish is to give you spiritual help in order to make your mind pure which is useful for the realization of Nibbana: the unbounded liberation. Now we have already established over 50 branch monasteries to give you more space to practice spiritual life. For this purpose, there are thousands of people who have joined us to practice this joyful spiritual life together. Now, we have spent 17 years with you, with our pure service.

What is Buddhism

There is a great deal of suffering in the life of anyone who was born into this world. Buddhism helps understand this reality and reveals the one and only path to free one’s self from this entire suffering. Buddhism is the Dhamma that consists of discourses preached by the Buddha. The Dhamma was well taught with a comparable beginning, middle, and end. Irrelevant to the time of practicing, the Dhamma can be understood in this very own life. Anyone can be asked to come and witness it. Like a person uses a mirror to see the reflected image of himself, a disciple needs to see his/her own life with the mirror of Dhamma. One of the main characteristics of the Dhamma is its ability to open/prepare someone’s mind to realize it according to the person’s wisdom. This is why the Dhamma is remarkable and esteemed.

The beginning of the Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery

With a genuine intention of hoping ‘to create a group of people who would brighten the Order of the Gautama Buddha’ the meritorious premises named ‘the Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery’ originated for the wellbeing of both human and deity worlds since the foundation stone was laid by the hands of Most Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero on August 14th, 1999. The Mahamevnawa became one of the famous Buddhist monasteries in Sri Lanka and as well as in other countries around the world, only within twelve years of the short time period since the monastery was started.


Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Monastery of Perth (Sri Lankan Buddhist Temple in Perth) with the sole intention of benefiting Sri Lankans as well as everyone else. Our monthly Sil programs, pirith chantings, Bodhi vandana, Dhatu vandana, for Sri Lankan children, as well as social activities for the betterment of our motherland; are held for Sri Lankan devotees residing in this country. Amongst these services, providing religious advice and guidance for your day-to-day problems is a priority. Through all these means, an invaluable service is provided to residents of Perth.


There is a great deal of suffering in the life of anyone who was born into this world. Buddhism helps us understand this reality and reveals the one and only path to free one’s self from this entire suffering. Buddhism is the Dhamma that consists of discourses preached by the Buddha. The Dhamma was well taught with a comparable beginning, middle, and end. Irrelevant of the time of practicing, the Dhamma can be understood in this very own life. Anyone can be asked to come and witness it. Like a person uses a mirror to see the reflected image of himself, a disciple needs to see his/her own life with the mirror of Dhamma. One of the main characteristics of the Dhamma is its ability to open/prepare someone’s mind to realize it according to the person’s wisdom. This is why the Dhamma is remarkable and esteemed.

Our Events

For your children, youth, and adults


This is a full-day program held on the 1st Saturday of each month from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm at the Maddington Community Centre, 19 Alcock St, Maddington, WA 6109. This program includes the observance of the Eight Precepts, Buddha Puja, Dhamma sermons, Meditation, and Dhamma discussions. ons and various meritorious activities throughout the day.

Youth Dhamma Friends

This program is targeted at helping to develop wholesome qualities and nourishing one’s life with Dhamma, and is conducted with the participation of members of the Thawathinsa Yathra Organization. This program, especially targeted at the youth and also open to all others, is held on the 3rd Sunday of every month from 9. oo am to 10.30 am at the Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery of Perth. This Dhamma program, which is held in addition to the social service activities conducted by Thawathinsa Yathra Organization, is held in the Sinhala language and is open to anyone willing to join.

Children Programme

This program, held in the English Language, is a support framework intended to assist children to develop wholesome spiritual qualities from an early age. Children between the ages of 5 to 15 are divided by age category and taught at the classroom level under the advice and guidance of the monks of Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery of Perth and their respective teachers. You too can enroll your child in this Dhamma School which is conducted with the intention of gifting a gratifying generation of children to the future by providing them with a comprehensive understanding about protecting the five precepts, non-violence, kindness, compassion, respecting the elderly, honoring teachers and other virtuous human qualities through the teachings of the Supreme Buddha.

 Book Shop

Dhamma publications

Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thero has written many books composed of the noble discourses of the Supreme Buddha using a comprehensible style in the Sinhala language, and about 90 books have been published up to now. Thero also translated the sacred text of Pali Sutta Pitaka into the Sinhala language. Eleven of these Tripitaka books are published to this point.

The series of books named ‘Amā dam rasa vaahena vistarārtha Dhamma padaya’ written by the venerable Thero using the Atthakatā for the fascinating ‘Dhamma Padaya’ preached by the Most Excellent One is like an enticing divine medicine for devotees of all ages.

Hundreds of audio cassettes and CDs of the venerable Thero’s Dhamma sermons quench the thirst of the devotees like a fabulous rain. The ‘Mahāmēgha’ Dhamma newspaper is another service presented by the Mahamevnawa aiming to take the message of Dhamma into the hearts of the people in the community. A website and a live webcast are also in operation to propagate the Dhamma internationally.


7 Born Rd, Casuarina WA 6167, Australia

Sri Lanka

Waduwawa, Yatigal Oluwa, Polgahawela, Polgahawela, Sri Lanka

our services