Mahamevnawa Buddhist Meditation Monastery of Perth


Namo Buddhaya!

“A deed is good when one does not regret having done it. A deed is good if the result is to be experienced with joy and delight.!”

(Dhamma Padaya-68)

We appreciate your generosity in contributing to Mahamevnawa Asapuwa and helping build and maintain a Buddhist Monastery for the devotees in Perth. Needless to say the merit you will gather out of this will be immense. This is a deed you can sublimely cherish all your life and will carry forward to the next life as well. How much you contribute should not matter, how serene and pure mind you donate will matter. It will help you be at peace and ultimately attain Nirvana and end the suffering.

Our sincere hope is that you all will attend the Dhamma Programs conducted by Mahamevnawa Perth Asapuwa and get a drop of that sublime elixir of Buddha Dhamma, the only real panacea, to heal and pacify yourself and finally liberate from all sufferings of this vicious Samsara.

You may choose your convenient method from any of the following methods to make your donation.

You can donate by using Credit Card or PayPal account :

You can also donate to below bank account by wire transfer

Account Name – Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery Perth
Bank Westpac
Branch – Riverton
BSB 036-081
Account No – 473639

Reference: Your Name or Membership Number


You can also make a yearly donations. Please click below for more information.